Before you forget Stop Think DO I HAVE ALL I NEED? Money's not everything. Some places are Desolate. You always need light, it gets dark operating in the dark is never fun also people need to see you. Flashers and reflectors are important. If you are planning to drive, thermal blankets are good for the road out. If you are stuck in an airport because of rain. for any reason staying warm is the key. and cover can help wrapp up from thermal effects because any diease that can travel cant get through thermal wear many layers help protect you scarves .
Alkaline Water
cans of coconut water box of coconut milk
Heat blankets
Scarves (hamachi)
Tuna and chicken in the flat package 20 pr count
chop stix eating utensils
Trail mix, grains, granola, rice
Non bread and crackers
Big back pack with Sleeping bag
Reflector Jackets and wrist
Personal hygeine products
PPE Gloves, alcohol, lotion
CPR kit.
Refflectors for the road
Headlight and flashlight lumens: 500x : 1500x
Fire extinguisher
Contacts to call in the towns you are arriving
A map and compass
Working Credit Card and travel Insurances driving ecspecially.
solar panels, external wifi, and generators